How to select and buy a perfect smoking pipe for myself?
A few things to consider before buying your first pipe:

Size: How big do you want your pipe? Do you want something that's just for show or do you want something that can be used every day?

Shape: There are many shapes available on the market today ranging from rounded bowls to pointed ones like corn cobs or bulldog tails. The shape of the bowl affects how much smoke passes through it at once and how much air gets drawn into the chamber at once which changes how fast you burn through your tobacco or leaves out completely when drawing smoke through it. The shape also determines how easy or hard it is to draw smoke through it.
Material: There are two types

1. How to pack tobacco in a pipe?
- Put some tobacco in the bowl of your pipe and fill it with air by using a tamper.
- Light up the end of the tobacco and put it into your mouth.
- Hold the stem of the pipe with your thumb and index finger so that you can control it.

2. How to light a pipe?
- Grasp the stem of your smoking pipe with both hands, holding it straight ahead (not bent or curved). Take a draw from one end of the stem to get started.
- Keep drawing air through until you feel as though you are going to pass out from inhaling too much smoke! Stop when you feel like you're about to exhale, but don't take your last puff yet! If this happens, wait for about 30 seconds and then start again. This method is called tamping, and it ensures that all of the tobacco is lit evenly throughout each bowlful of smoke!

If you have picked up a pipe, then you must know that there are various types of pipes. From the different shape of smoking pipes and size, to the materials used and finish, there are many things that can be chosen from. You need to know the difference between them before buying a pipe. If you must use guidance, you can buy a Chacom Maya Grise 185 tobacco pipe which is a filtered pipe as well as slightly stylish in looks. Another one is a Peterson Filter Killarney B10 smoking pipe This one does not come with a filter in it, but instead, it comes with a free pipe tool. Besides, you can choose from other pipes you like on an online tobacconist website like shave and coster.

The most common type of pipe is the stemless briar pipe with a bowl made of briar wood. This type of pipe is more popular in Europe and America than any other country. The cost of this type of pipe ranges from $20-$50 dollars depending on its quality. However, if you want to buy an expensive quality pipe then it will cost more than $200 dollars.

There are other types of pipes like meerschaum pipes, clay pipes, corncob pipes and others which are available at an affordable price but they do not give as much satisfaction as briar pipes do.